I really liked Brad Evans style of photography and his candid and intereseting shots, which no two are simular. I liked how he would turn something normal into something different. I like how he uses different angles and camera shots to make his work more exciting and different. He mainly works in balck and white which make all his images look very bold and sharp, although when he does use colour he only uses a little bit that makes a big difference, using a bright vibrant colour such as red. I also really like his settings as the are always busy and imtereseting with different types of people.
This was one of my final images that I took in cambridge where I was taking my urban shots, I really like this image as it looks quite old and different, especially with the eldery man dressed in quite smart but casual clothes. I wanted to put it in black and white to reflect Brad Evans work and his style but not compleatly copying him. I really like that it's an action type shot and it's candid, I think it makes it more person and natural and also more interesting to look at, it gives the image more depth and reason. I didn't want to overly edit this picture, so i simpily out it into black and white and adjusted the curves so it would bring out the draker and lighter tones in the image. I also cropped the image down so it would be more compact and your eyes wouldn't be distracted by whats going on behind him.
This was my final image of my urban photography, I really life the perspective it created and draws you in. The bikes lead you in to the image and make it interesting and precise. It also works well as the woman is centre of the image and is looking straight at the camera which makes more of an impact. I put the image in black and white as I think it makes it bolder and the jumble of bikes look less busy than they did in colour. I think this image was really inspired by Brad Evans and his style come through in the composition and editing. I wanted to keep it all natural so I didn't want to overly edit it, so I only turned it into black and white and slightly edited the curves and levels to bring out the various tones.